“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” Harriet Beecher Stowe

The easiest decision we can make in life. Breakfast of champions. So simple a caveman can do it. What you want to get out of life is what you are willing to put in.

Your mind is a lot stronger than you think. When you’re staring into the abyss, the only way out is to move forward. When you are in your deepest hours, this is when you truly start to understand yourself and what you are capable, made out of. The more you push in these critical moments the stronger you become – and the next time you stare into the abyss it comes natural,  you know how to respond; it becomes second nature. Accomplishing this state of mind is magical. You feel confident, invincible and all the doubts you had is now under your control. Learn to keep your mind in this state and your world will change in unfathomable ways.

Eat it up, chew it up, swallow it, take a number two with it and flush it, where it belongs.


2 thoughts on “GIVING UP

    1. Training your mind to never give up, embedding, ingraining that notion deep in the mind, gives you a powerful feeling to keep on moving forward. Mix that w/ purpose and you a got yourself a recipe.

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